Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hello World

well i've finally done it, i've created my own blog. after feeling somewhat inferior to my family members (cal, patrick and most recently jeremy) who have their own blogs i've decided to venture out there and create my own. it won't be the most in-depth, flashy, deepest and political blog around. i can promise there will be spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. i'll have updates for family and friends and talk about things that i feel are important. i hope this blog will help me keep in touch more with family and friends and be a point of light in a dark and depressing world. lastly if somethings on your mind let me know. if you're interested and I hope you are... matthew 6:34. wow, my very first blog entry. how exciting!


Cal Wallace said...

You've been pimped. :)

Anonymous said...

Yoo r gud at spellling.

Hey, I may be starting another blog soon... I'll let you know.

Don said...

Thanks guys, you both crack me up!