christmas came early this year, we bought jo a car a few weeks ago and then last week the dolphins got a win! what a way to finish out 2008! see you all next year! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas
i'm sorry we're not able to see everyone this christmas, but we're having a nice time here in s.fl. with jo's family. tyler's enjoying his nana, papa, uncle's, aunt's and cousins. as always it was fun to see tyler playing with his cousin zack with ryan soon to follow. we went to a block party at oasis north miami the highlight was the rock climbing wall (thanks for the insults ja) i might have made it a third of the way up when my fear of heights, falling, breaking bones took over and i came down. of the three of us (jeremy, ja and i), jeremy was the only one to ring the bell at the top! woulda, shoulda, coulda but didn't, i'll probably regret it the rest of my life i'm sure...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i'd like to announce...
i said this wouldn't be a political blog and it won't be but i'd like you to know where i stand on things. mainly who my current choice for President of the United States is.
now that that's over with i can get on with not blogging again for another 4 weeks! i'll try but it just seems like i'm so busy.
right now at work we're slammed! it's open enrollment for the over 65 crowd so their making their selections for medicare suppliments and need our help. some have a clue, most don't and seem to be rather angry. two things i've realized since open enrollment started on nov. 15th. #1. i don't want to ever be one of those angry people and #2. i've got so save as much as possible so if i am one of those angry people i won't be broke! thank goodness for a 401k with a company match! for more info on how to "save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off" go see my buddy (he doesn't really know we're buddies but at least i think we are) clark howard. anyway back to open enrollment, it's crazy! there are some plans out there that are free, yes i said FREE and people are complaining! i don't get it, i just don't.
anyway i'm looking forward to working this weekend for a few hours and then coming home to put up the christmas lights on the house. maybe i'll get a pic of the house all tricked out christmas style! more on that later. well time for bed! remember, "I Like Mike!"
now that that's over with i can get on with not blogging again for another 4 weeks! i'll try but it just seems like i'm so busy.
right now at work we're slammed! it's open enrollment for the over 65 crowd so their making their selections for medicare suppliments and need our help. some have a clue, most don't and seem to be rather angry. two things i've realized since open enrollment started on nov. 15th. #1. i don't want to ever be one of those angry people and #2. i've got so save as much as possible so if i am one of those angry people i won't be broke! thank goodness for a 401k with a company match! for more info on how to "save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off" go see my buddy (he doesn't really know we're buddies but at least i think we are) clark howard. anyway back to open enrollment, it's crazy! there are some plans out there that are free, yes i said FREE and people are complaining! i don't get it, i just don't.
anyway i'm looking forward to working this weekend for a few hours and then coming home to put up the christmas lights on the house. maybe i'll get a pic of the house all tricked out christmas style! more on that later. well time for bed! remember, "I Like Mike!"
Saturday, October 13, 2007
the last few weeks...
have been filled with new tons of new things! i started working for a large insurance company on 10.01.07 and am excited about the opportunities that are available to me in my department as well as the company itself. i'm on a sales team of about 15 with 3 teams in our department. i'm hoping once my training is done to be ranked as one of the top five sales agents each month. mostly for two main reasons, one i love to compete and hate to lose (yes the dolphins are losers and fsu is well on their way), secondly because of the financial reward and what it will mean to our family. hopefully if things go well we'll be able to add to our offspring and decrease our families working hours by 32 per week. translation: johanna can stay home with tyler and his sibling. now i know you're reaching for the phone right now but there's no need to. this is not an announcement of any kind. there is know knowledge on my part that there is another child on the way, none what so ever. this is only our hope and prayer that God will bless our family and make it grow when his timing is right. so if your looking for something to pray for us about it's that i'll be successful in my new job and our family will grow.
pumpkin patch and family visits saturday we made our 2nd annual trip to the pumpkin patch! what a fun time! tyler was much more aware of his surrounding this year which didn't help when we tried to take pictures. we'll be sharing them with everyone shortly. we're happy that the weather is finally cooling off and that we'll get to see our family soon. tyler is looking forward to his aunt, uncle and cousins coming for a visit as are jo and i. it's always nice to be with loved ones even if they smell funny or are hairy beyond belief! we love you and you know who you are! we're also looking forward to going to the reunion next weekend. there's just something about going to pdl... i don't know what it is but i just love being there.
well that's pretty much it for now. my weekend was ruined sometime late thursday night or early friday morning as the onside kick fsu was trying to get didn't happen and they got their second loss of the season to wake forest... there's alway next week i guess, hopefully they'll show up against um.
pumpkin patch and family visits saturday we made our 2nd annual trip to the pumpkin patch! what a fun time! tyler was much more aware of his surrounding this year which didn't help when we tried to take pictures. we'll be sharing them with everyone shortly. we're happy that the weather is finally cooling off and that we'll get to see our family soon. tyler is looking forward to his aunt, uncle and cousins coming for a visit as are jo and i. it's always nice to be with loved ones even if they smell funny or are hairy beyond belief! we love you and you know who you are! we're also looking forward to going to the reunion next weekend. there's just something about going to pdl... i don't know what it is but i just love being there.
well that's pretty much it for now. my weekend was ruined sometime late thursday night or early friday morning as the onside kick fsu was trying to get didn't happen and they got their second loss of the season to wake forest... there's alway next week i guess, hopefully they'll show up against um.
Friday, September 21, 2007
A Brand New Day
every day starts brand new. sure there's carry over from the day, week, month and years before but each day is brand new and we can choose how we'll handle some of the direction it will take. take 09.19.07 for example. i woke up with jeremy, jeanine and zack on my mind because of the birth of ryan that would be taking place. i thought that would be as good as the day got for me and i just knew there was going to be some disappointment on my end. why i don't listen to Matthew 6:23... i have no clue. it tells me not to worry but i just can't help myself! i was down because of two job interview i had a few weeks ago and hadn't heard anything. i left messages but still nothing. a little before 4:00 pm tyler and i were outside waiting for jo to come home. she rounded the corner and you've never seen a bigger smile on a 16 month olds face when i told him that was mommy. i was also smiling too but that's besides the point. turns out he doesn't worry about mommy not coming home. he may run around the house looking in all the rooms and fuss a little, but when daddy tells him mommy will be home soon he smiles and trusts me. (why do we grow up and stop listening to our daddy's... our Heavenly Daddy's... our Heavenly Father? he told me not to worry.) we helped mommy out of the car, gave hugs and kisses and got her things and off inside we went. not a minute later the phone rings. it was one of the companies i interview with on the phone. i was all set for the blow that i thought was coming... the blow that never came. do you know you can hear a smile in someone's voice over the phone? it's true you can and she was smiling. "don i didn't want to call you back till i had good news... and i have good news for you!" why do we worry? i couldn't control the news, it was out of my hands but still i went on for days worrying about not getting a job offer i desperately wanted. why didn't they call back, turns out they just hadn't made their decision yet, that's all. but still i wasted 3 days worrying about them not calling me back. i kept thinking, "their just waiting for the person they offered the position to, to tell them yes" just when you think i would have learned my lesson about not worrying... i told her about my illness and that a needed an afternoon off every 2 months to get my medicine. she was going to have to check with the department manager to make sure that wouldn't be a problem... cue the worrying all over again! i just Never learn! turns out it's still not a problem, they want me, i've got the job. i'll start 10.01.07. it will be a great day. i'm sure i'll watch a video on the company, fill out mountains of paperwork, get my picture taken for my id badge, worry about something silly because i just can't help myself.
i wrote this entry because... truthfully i really don't know. when i sat down to write this isn't at all what i planned. maybe someone needs to read it or i just needed to get it out. maybe it's someone reading it today, tomorrow, next week, next month or years from now. i don't know. it could be me reading it again, it could be you maybe you're worrying about something. if you are, don't. we don't need to. tomorrows coming and it's got enough trouble of it's own. if you haven't clicked on the word worry yet i'll save you the trouble. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. " Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
now if the dolphins would just get a victory for me that would be one more thing i can check off my worry list! :)
i wrote this entry because... truthfully i really don't know. when i sat down to write this isn't at all what i planned. maybe someone needs to read it or i just needed to get it out. maybe it's someone reading it today, tomorrow, next week, next month or years from now. i don't know. it could be me reading it again, it could be you maybe you're worrying about something. if you are, don't. we don't need to. tomorrows coming and it's got enough trouble of it's own. if you haven't clicked on the word worry yet i'll save you the trouble. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. " Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
now if the dolphins would just get a victory for me that would be one more thing i can check off my worry list! :)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hello World
well i've finally done it, i've created my own blog. after feeling somewhat inferior to my family members (cal, patrick and most recently jeremy) who have their own blogs i've decided to venture out there and create my own. it won't be the most in-depth, flashy, deepest and political blog around. i can promise there will be spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. i'll have updates for family and friends and talk about things that i feel are important. i hope this blog will help me keep in touch more with family and friends and be a point of light in a dark and depressing world. lastly if somethings on your mind let me know. if you're interested and I hope you are... matthew 6:34. wow, my very first blog entry. how exciting!
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